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Implementing a FORTH virtual machine - 5

course05.c (353 lines) - disassembler

Now we build an disassembler (see and dis) to show the simplicity of ITC code. Also we introduce function pointer, i.e. pointer to words which can executed by execute


$ ./course05
: square  dup * ;
: .square dup . dup square . cr ;
: squares begin .square -1 + dup while drop ;
ok> see squares
0x1080783f8 .square
0x108078400 lit 0xffffffffffffffff
0x108078410 +
0x108078418 dup
0x108078420 1branch 0x1080783f8
0x108078430 drop
ok> ' squares
140359931789328 ok> 10
140359931789328 10 ok> swap
10 140359931789328 ok> execute
10 100
9 81
8 64
7 49
6 36
5 25
4 16
3 9
2 4
1 1