QUORA - my answered Questions
QUORA - my answered Questions
Because I only found one short mention of Forth I would advocate it here.
Forth does not have any borders other than your imagination (no syntax, no types, direct access to memory, direct access to return and data stack ?)
Forth is an realtime multitasking operating system written in some k of code. Forth generates optimizing machine code. Forth comes with: interpreter, compiler, debugger, editor (sometimes), block storage (so no file system is needed)
For me Forth is:
a high level language
a low level language
an assembly language
an IDE (debugger, compiler, interpreter, editor, profiler, trace, reverse engeneering tool)
Makros like Lisp
a programming philosophy
a DSL programming language
multi return values
Because Forth is very different from other languages most people dislike it and feel uncomfortable. This is like the parenthesis in Lisp. Once used you will never give them away. Most people does have troubles in remembering stack effect, but this disappear when using more regularly.
The Forth way of solving problems is in building highly interactively DSLs for the problem in question, then write the program in terms of that DSL. Forth used in this way becomes extreme powerful and totally underestimated.